English Unlimited HTL 2, Schulbuch

Read the descriptions on p. 106 and 139 again. Choose two more interesting facts to tell your partner. Tell each other about Monaco and Malta. Read the sentences. 1 Prince Albert II, who is the son of Prince Rainier and Princess Grace, is the current head of state. 2 The Republic of Malta is an island nation which is made up of seven islands. 3 The country was liberated in 1944, when the German army left. Underline more examples of who, when, that and which in the texts about Monaco and Malta. Now complete rules 1 and 2 with who or which. Complete the sentences with who, which, when or where. 1 Steve Jobs, was the founder of Apple, died in 2012. 2 T he bus goes to the airport runs every 45 minutes. 3 Nelson Mandela, was the first black president of South Africa, spent many years in prison. 4 Customers received damaged goods will get a refund. 5 Chris said some things about me weren’t true. 6 The Golden Gate Bridge, is in San Francisco, is one of the most famous suspension bridges in the world. 7 1666, a fire destroyed large parts of London, was a tough year for the citizens. 8 The man is walking over there was my primary school teacher. 9 My friend bought a really cool guitar he found in a small second-hand shop. 10 In Monaco, French is the official language, quite a few other languages are also spoken. Look at the sentences in 4a again. Can you use that in some cases? Write five sentences describing a place, person or thing using who, when, where, that or which. Example: It’s a bag which I bought when I was in … / This is the city where I first met my friend Greg. b c 2 Grammar Relative clauses a b 3 Over 1 million people, who are attracted by Malta’s rich history, visit the country every year. Malta has several large stone temples which are among the oldest monuments in the world. 1 We use in a relative clause to talk about people. 2 We use in a relative clause to talk about things. For information about when to use a comma to separate a relative clause from the rest of the sentence, go to Grammar reference. 1 Grammar reference and practice, p. 155 4 a b c Language skills Extras Explore 9 People and places 107 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv