English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

You are attending the computer game convention in Dublin and you have booked a room via a private booking site. Your host has sent you directions on how to get to her house. Circle the correct answers and write them in the gaps. 1 A out of B from C down D across 2 A out of B down C up D from 3 A to B from C across D into 4 A down B up C from D into 5 A through B down C up D from 6 A out of B up C into D across Read the directions again. Which map is correct? You are planning a party at your home. Write your invitation using: ■■ the present progressive to explain what you are doing ( We are having a party. ). ■■ directions to tell people how to get there from the station. Use the present simple to talk about the transport connections ( The last train into town leaves at 12 : 05 a.m .). 41 http://www.findaccommodation.ie Mary Pollock Rose Tree Cottage Park Grove 24 How to get here On foot (1) the station: Walk (2) the station and (3) the square onto Park Street. After 50 metres, turn left (4) the small park. Go (5) the park and you’ll see a red gate. Go (6) the steps, and you’re in Park Grove. We’re number 24. Click here for a map. By public transport Underground: The nearest underground station is Priory Road. The bus stop (Bus 128) is nearer, but there aren’t many buses. Taxis here are very expensive. By car Parking is difficult. The nearest car park is in Smithfield Street. It’s easier to come by bus or underground. 42 Priory Road Priory Road Priory Road Park Grove Park Grove Smithfield Street Smithfield Street Smithfield Street Park Street Park Street Park Park Park Square Square Square Station Station Station Underground Underground Underground P a r k G r o v e A B C 43 Explore writing: Giving directions 96 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv