English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Work in A/B pairs. A, look at these pictures and read Holly’s story here. B, look at the pictures and read Jack’s story on p. 148. in my car in the Rocky Mountains in Canada 1 lots of mountains and trees 1 see a family of bears, mother and two cubs 1 stop car 1 get out and take photos 1 cubs look frightened, mother gets angry 1 walks towards me 1 can’t open car door … Think of a good ending for Holly’s story. Imagine you are Holly. Prepare to tell the story. Think about: ■■ the past simple of the verbs (see 1 saw). ■■ where to use storytelling expressions (Later, …). ■■ where to use the (stop the car; the mother bear). Work in A/B pairs. Tell your stories. Now listen to both stories. Are the endings like yours? Think of two or three of your own journeys. For example, a time when: ■■ you missed a flight or a train. ■■ something dangerous happened. ■■ you saw something interesting. ■■ you had a very long journey. Prepare to tell your stories. Think about these questions: 1 2 When was it? What was the reason for your journey? 3 4 What happened? How did you feel? Tell each other about your journeys. Which journeys were fun? Which were difficult? Write one of your stories (120–150 words). Add pictures or drawings if you can. Keyword: get 30 a b c 31 4y2r9u 39 32 Speaking a b c 33 Writing get = receive, obtain, buy Get with a noun usually means receive, obtain or buy. Complete the sentences with these words. 1 How many phone do you usually get every day? 2 I get my at the end of the month. 3 Did you get some US for the trip? 4 I want to get a good . 5 Can you get some ? 6 I get a lot of , like ‘where’s the other wheel?’ 34 seat newspapers pocket money dollars comments calls 94 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv