English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Telling a story Which expressions in the box: 1 start a story? 2 link a story? 3 end a story? Later, … It was two in the morning. It was really strange. … and then … I was with some friends. In the end, … I had a great time. Well, this was a few weeks ago. After that, … Listen to Patrick’s story about Japan. 1 What was he frightened of? 2 What was the receptionist frightened of? Listen to the story again. Who: 1 took Japanese lessons? 4 looked frightened? 2 shouted ‘Kuma’? 5 went into Patrick’s room first? 3 made a phone call? 6 laughed? Have you ever had a funny experience mixing up words in a foreign language, or can you imagine how it would happen? Write a short story about it and use the storytelling expressions from the box in 24. Look at the examples from Patrick’s story and circle the correct form in the grammar box. You use the in a lot of fixed expressions and before some adjectives. Add expressions 1–3 from Patrick’s story to the table. I was (1) in the south of Japan (2) at the time. (3) The first thing I saw was a huge spider on the wall. Time expressions Place expressions Before some adjectives in the morning at the weekend at the moment in the middle of … in the corner of … at the end of … the best, the worst, the most the same the last, the next Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or no article (–). 1 2 When was last time you saw a spider? Do you like pasta? 3 4 Is there art gallery near here? Can you open door, please? Write two or three more questions with expressions from the table in 28. Ask and answer all the questions in pairs. 24 Vocabulary Storytelling expressions 25 Listening a q27z66 38 b 26 Writing 27 Grammar Articles Use a / the / no as an article when you talk about a person or thing for the first time: The first thing I saw was a huge spider on the wall. Use a / the / no as an article when the reader or listener knows which thing: When the receptionist saw the spider on the wall, she started laughing too. Use a / the / no article when you talk about things in general: I hate spiders! 1 Grammar reference and practice, p. 159 28 29 a b c Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around 93 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv