English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Getting a flight Listen to Belinda checking in. What does she give to the person? Listen again. Complete the sentences 1–5. 1 Can I see your , please? 2 Do you have any luggage? 3 Did you pack your yourself? 4 Are you carrying for anyone else? 5 Boarding is at from 20. Match sentences 1–5 with Belinda’s answers A–E. A Here you are. B Thanks. C Just this bag. D Yes, I did. E No. Listen to Belinda. Where is she now? Listen again. Tick (  ) every time you hear these things. bag belt keys laptop shoes wallet mobile Complete the conversation with words from 22b. Write them in the gaps on the right. Officer 1: 1 ? Belinda: I’ve put them in my 2 . Officer 1: OK. Is there a 3 in here? Belinda: No. Officer 1: And your 4 , please. Belinda: Oh, OK. Officer 2: Come forward, please. 5 ? 6 ? Belinda: Uh, they’re in my 7 . Officer 2: 8 ? Belinda: That too. Officer 2: Are you wearing a 9 ? Belinda: Oh yes, sorry. Officer 2: That’s fine, thank you. Belinda: Thanks. Officer 3: Could you open your 10 , please? Belinda: OK. Officer 3: That’s fine. Enjoy your trip. Belinda: Thanks. 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 6 Work in groups of three. You are at an airport. Look at your role cards and complete them. ■■ A, you work at check-in. Look at p. 145. ■■ B, you work for airport security. Look at p. 147. ■■ C, you are a passenger. Look at p. 148. Have two conversations: one at check-in, and the other at security. Change roles and have the conversations again. 21 Listening a 7f6gi3 36 b c 22 a ys56sy 37 b c 23 a Speaking b 92 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv