English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Fill in the correct prepositions. Which ones do you remember from Jaynie’s description on p. 89? A B C D E F G H Write a short description of a journey you like. Jaynie’s description on p. 89 will help you. Read your descriptions to each other. Which do you think is the most interesting? Charlie wants to visit a friend at his new house in Basingstoke, England. Look at his coach ticket. 1 Where is he travelling from? 2 Where is he going? 3 Is it a single or a return ticket? 4 What is the departure date? 5 How much did the ticket cost? Listen to Charlie buying his ticket. Circle the correct words. 1 He wants to go to Basingstoke today / tomorrow . 2 With a day return ticket, he comes back today / tomorrow . 3 With an open return, he can come back any time / at the weekend . 4 The day return is more expensive / cheaper . Match the questions 1–6 with the answers A–F. 1 How much does an open return ticket cost? A The direct coach? About an hour and a half. 2 What time does the next coach leave? B Number 342. 3 Is it direct? C It leaves at 4.15, in fifteen minutes. 4 How long does it take to Basingstoke? D To Basingstoke? It’s £18.00. 5 Which coach do I get? E Just outside those doors. You’ll see the sign. 6 Where do I get it? F No. You need to change coaches once. Use these words to make five new questions using the highlighted expressions in 17a. You want to buy a ticket. Work in A/B pairs. ■■ A, read your role cards on p. 145. B, read your role cards on p. 148. ■■ Think of questions to ask about prices, times and other travel details. Take turns to buy a ticket. Have conversation 1 first, then conversation 2. Change role cards and have two more conversations. b 14 Writing & Speaking a b 15 Listening 16 di2cd5 35 17 Vocabulary Buying a ticket a b bus a single train a day return Birmingham 18 a Speaking b 90 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv