English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Going on a journey Match the things in the list with the things in the pictures. Make a list of things you take with you when you: ■■ go out for an evening with friends. ■■ go to school. ■■ go away on a school trip. Compare with a partner. Listen to Mary talking to her mum just before she leaves for a language course in Salzburg. 1 Who is going to meet Mary at the airport? 2 How long is she going to stay in Salzburg? Listen to Mary talking to her dad. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). T F 1 Mary’s flight was very comfortable. 2 The meeting point wasn’t very easy to find. 3 The language school’s directions weren’t very good. 4 Mary enjoyed her first Austrian meal. Now listen to Mary’s conversation with her friend Ian in Edinburgh. Answer questions 1–4 again. Are they true (T) or false (F)? T F 1 Mary’s flight was very comfortable. 2 The meeting point wasn’t very easy to find. 3 The language school’s directions weren’t very good. 4 Mary enjoyed her first Austrian meal. Read Jaynie’s description of a journey she likes. How does she get to the centre of Lewisham? One of my favourite journeys is walking from my home in Lower Sydenham to the centre of Lewisham. I go out of my front door and across Southend Lane and then, after a few minutes, I go down some steps and into a quiet riverside park. It’s really beautiful, with lots of trees, flowers and green grass. I walk for about forty minutes near the river and then go through Ladywell Fields, a large park. Then I go up some steps and right at the top is Bardsley’s, my favourite café. 8 Vocabulary Things for a trip Remember … tissues suntan lotion passport sunglasses toothbrush money comb address book pen mobile rucksack map + guide book umbrella 9 a b 10 Listening h4kd6z 32 11 tk7933 33 12 in93kk 34 13 a Vocabulary Prepositions of movement 4 3 2 5 1 9 7 8 13 12 11 10 6 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around 89 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv