English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Work in A/B pairs. A, look at John’s arrangements for next week below. B, look at Rachel’s diary on p. 147. Tell each other about John and Rachel’s arrangements. How many times will John and Rachel see each other next week? Example: John’s meeting Rachel at the Blue Note Café on Monday at 6.30 p.m. In groups of four, ask and answer the questions. Find out who: 1 walks the most. 2 cycles the most. 3 uses public transport the most. Report your findings to the class. Look at the picture of Joe Marshall. Why do you think he rides a unicycle to work? 1 He enjoys it. 4 It’s good exercise. 2 It’s quick and safe. 5 It’s good in traffic jams. 3 He likes people looking at him. 6 It’s cheap. Read the online article to check your ideas. Read the article in 6 again. Who thinks unicycles are fun / dangerous / stupid? What do you think of Joe’s form of transport? What’s the most unusual form of transport you know? Compare your answer with your partner’s. 4 a TUESDAY shopping: chicken, mushrooms, cream, fruit; 8.00 – cook dinner for Mia FRIDAY: Gillian’s birthday party, Royston Café (from 6 p.m.) Meet Rachel MONDAY Blue Note Café 6.30 p.m. Meet Mia THURSDAY lunchtime, 1 p.m. + get present for Gillian Silver Court Dental Practice Name: John Ellis Date & time: Thursday 9th Nov, 4 p.m. Dentist: Dr Vernon b 5 a Speaking b 6 a Reading b http://www.newgadgetsontheroad.co.uk One-wheeled wonder The electric unicycle is the real king of the road Forget public transport. For computer programmer Joe Marshall, the daily journey to work across one of the most crowded cities in the world is fun. “It’s like playing on the way to work,” he says. It takes Joe about 40 minutes to travel the nine-mile journey across London by electric unicycle. That’s about the same as it takes on the bus or the underground, and ten minutes quicker than by car. “Electric unicycles are as fast as bikes,” he says, “and they’re the best thing in traffic jams because you can turn in a really small space. It’s great, too, because you accelerate or stop by leaning forward or backward.” But aren’t electric unicycles more dangerous than bikes? Marshall doesn’t think so. “Electric unicycles are safer than they look and easier to ride,” he says. “And drivers are more careful with me than with cyclists.” Electric unicycling is more common than many people think. “More and more people are seen with electric unicycles on the streets. I think it’s getting a trend because riding an electric unicycle feels like floating”, Marshall says. “The longest trip I did on an electric unicycle was last year with a group of people riding across Ireland.” But what about all the looks you get? “You can’t worry about what people think,” he says. “Most of them are all right, but I get a lot of comments, like ‘Where’s the other wheel?’ A few days ago, an old lady came up to me and said, ‘That’s really stupid. Buy a car!’ ” 7 a Reading & Speaking b c 88 Language skills Extras Explore 7 Getting around Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv