English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Match the questions with the answers below. 1 How many hours do you spend at school? 4 How long do you sleep? 2 How much time do you spend at home? 5 How much time do you spend with family or friends? 3 How many hours do you spend on homework and studying? 6 How much time do you spend on public transport? A I’m not sure. Probably about five hours a week with friends. B I don’t know exactly. Probably six or seven hours a night. C Oh, about eight hours. I leave school at about 5.30. D About two or three hours. The buses are slow. E I don’t know. Maybe about 13 hours a day, and most of that is sleeping. F It depends. I would say about one to two hours a day – probably more when I have some tests coming up. Tell a partner about a typical day in your life. Choose a weekday or a Sunday. Talk for one to two minutes. Work alone. Write three more questions like these for other students. ■■ How many students go to our school? ■■ How many people live in your home town / village? ■■ How many people speak your language? ■■ How far is it from … to … ? ■■ How old … ? ■■ ■■ ■■ Ask and answer all the questions. Example: A: How many students go to our school? B: I’m not sure. About 250, I think. 27 a b 28 a b Self-assessment   i i „„ talk about work and school „„ describe present activities „„ say why you can’t do things „„ say you’re not sure about facts and numbers Language skills Extras Explore 6 Work and leisure 85 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv