English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Info point: Calculating Study the chart and complete it with words from the boxes. Operation What you say 1 a + b = c a plus b is/equals c the sum of a plus b is c one number is added to another one 2 a – b = c a minus b is/equals c c is the difference between a and b one number is subtracted from another one 3 a × b = c a multiplied by b is/equals c a times b is/equals c c is the product of a and b 4 a ÷ b = c a divided by b is/equals c 5 ​ x _ y ​; ​ x ____ y + 7 ​ ​ 1 __ 2 ​; ​ 1 __ 4 ​; ​ 1 __ 3 ​; ​ 2 __ 3 ​ x over y; x all over y plus seven x is the numerator, and y is the denominator one half; one fourth/quarter; one third; two thirds 6 a n ; 2 2 4 3 ; 10 6 a to the power of n; two squared four cubed; ten to the power of six 7 ​ n √ _ x​; ​ √ __ 4​ ​ 3 √ __ 27​ the n th root of x; the square root of four the cube root of twenty-seven 8 3 × [2 ÷ (4 – 2)] = 3 x < y y > x a ≤ b b ≥ a c ≈ d three times square bracket two divided by bracket four minus two bracket square bracket equals three x is less than y y is greater than x a is less than or equal to b b is greater than or equal to a c is approximately equal to d TIP: Remember the order of operations in a calculation. First do any sum in brackets, then divisions and multiplications, lastly additions and subtractions. ■■ Example: 5 + 4 × 3 = 1 Multiplication comes before addition, so 17 is correct. ■■ Example: 2 × (8 – 4) = 1 First calculate the bracket, then do the multiplication. So the correct answer is 8. Or: first you solve the bracket by subtracting 4 from 8 and then you multiply the result by 2. Work in A/B pairs. A, read aloud the calculations below, B, write them in your exercise book and calculate the result. Then B, read aloud the calculations on p. 148 and A, write them down and solve them. 1 2 3 24 – 5 × 4 + 2 × 3 = ​ 30 __ 10 ​+ 2 2 = ​ √ ______ (134 – 9) ​= 4 5 6 [(4 ÷ 2) × 14] ÷ 2 = ​ 1 __ 4 ​+ ​ 1 __ 8 ​= ​ (2 + 3) × 2 _______ (5 + 4) × 2 ​= 21 Fractions Subtraction Addition Special cases Division Extracting the root Multiplication Raising to a power Special cases 22 3 82 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Work and leisure Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv