English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Listen to Melanie and Liam talking at a club. Complete the sentences with the correct name, Melanie (M) or Liam (L). 1 works at a travel agency. 2 is studying for exams and tests. 3 goes to a vocational college. 4 is putting together a package deal. 5 is preparing lots of presentations right now. Look at the sentences again. Which verbs are present simple? Which are present progressive? Why? Add these expressions to the right groups. Some expressions can be used more than once. 1 prepare presentations / / 2 work for your exams / / 3 put together trips / 4 go to school / 5 read / write emails / Work in pairs A/B. Look at the article about working as a travel agent on p. 77 again. ■■ A, write an email to your colleague Jackie in Vancouver telling her what you are doing in the office today. ■■ B, write an email to your friend Frank and explain to him why you work as a travel agent. Tell him what you do regularly and what character traits you need for this. Start like this: Exchange your stories. Underline all present simple and present progressive phrases in your partner’s text. Did he/she use them correctly? 11 Listening a 28 j2x67m b 12 Vocabulary Work and school 2 on trips the family firm clients letters package deals 13 Writing a Hi Jackie, I’m really busy today. I’m already booking the first package deal and it is only 9.00 a.m. … Hi Frank, You asked me why I like my job as a travel agent. Well you get to arrange many flights and I often … A B b 78 Language skills Extras Explore 6 Work and leisure Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv