English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Read the web posting of a travel agent’s job profile below. What do travel agents do? Complete the phrases with the correct verbs. You will find similar phrases in the text. 1 advice to clients 7 on holiday 2 clients visas and passports 8 flights and accommodation 3 with complaints 9 out tickets to clients 4 irregular hours 10 competent IT skills 5 payments 11 in the travel industry 6 more experience 12 attention to detail 1 k: £12 k = 12,000; k = 1,000 10 Reading a https://www.findjobdescriptions.com Working as a travel agent Not everyone walks into a travel agency with a clear idea of where they’d like to go on holiday. One of your main roles as a travel agent is to give advice to clients about where and when to travel. So if they hate hot weather, don’t send them to Australia in the summer … Other duties will include: −− Arranging flights, insurance and accommodation −− Using an online booking system −− Collecting payments −− Advising clients on travel arrangements, e. g. visas and passports −− Sending out tickets to clients −− Keeping clients up to date with any changes −− Dealing with complaints or refunds Most travel agents are based in offices, although some agents do work in call centres. Travel agents in offices usually work regular hours, 9–5, 35–40 hours per week. Those based in a call centre may work more irregular hours but there are a lot of opportunities for part-time work. Travel agents can become a team leader in a call centre or a branch manager. And as you gain more experience, you can find work with bigger tour operators or work with agencies offering more specialised breaks such as adventure or trekking holidays. How much can you expect to earn as a travel agent? Travel agents starting out can expect to earn around £12k 1 but more seasoned travel agents can earn anything up to £30k. There are often bonuses and incentives to encourage sales. This job is all about the customer and helping to find and organise their dream holiday. Travel agents need to have customer service skills, a passion for the travel industry and a friendly manner. Other qualities that are needed: −− Paying good attention to detail −− Being well organised −− Having competent IT skills −− Being patient −− Plus, knowledge of another language is always an advantage when working in the travel industry. b give Language skills Extras Explore 6 Work and leisure 77 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv