English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Ó 282d7n What do you do Work in pairs. Look at the study subjects in the picture dictionary on p. 168. Which ones do you think are useful for these jobs? Write down the correct subjects. Occupation Subject A a cook / chef B a fashion designer C a doctor D an accountant E an engineer F a lawyer Read the descriptions of the different jobs. What task are they doing right now? Fill in the gaps on the right. What do you do for a living? What are you doing right now? 1 I’m a car mechanic. I repair car engines, check tyres and fix the bodywork after collisions. I do the jobs that are necessary to keep your car on the road. This is not a job where you can make mistakes. “I’ the tyre.” 2 I’m a fashion designer. I create suits and other elegant clothes for men. I especially like to make tailored suits for individual clients. I am proud of my career, and I try to do the best job I can. “I a new design.” 3 I’m a chef. I cook all night in a five star restaurant, and I’m also responsible for creating the menu. It’s a very stressful job because there is always something to do, but it’s better than doing the dishes. “I a delicious meal. I a lot of spices and herbs to flavour it.” 4 I’m unemployed at the moment, so every day I send out applications and make sure my CV is up to date. I always make a copy of any letters I send. Usually, I make about 10 calls a day to ask for interviews. I make myself sandwiches and tea for lunch. “I on the computer and out applications.” 1 Vocabulary Work and school 1 2 Reading m checking 74 6 Unit Work and leisure Goals „„ talk about work and school „„ describe present activities „„ say why you can’t do things „„ say you’re not sure about facts and numbers Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv