English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

0 Aberfoyle can be reached A by car driving along the M821. B by car taking the exit at Glasgow. C by car going through the city of Aberfoyle. by following the signs to “The Lodge – Forest Visitor Centre” on the A821. 1 Aberfoyle Forest Park A is perfect for young children. B has Britain’s second longest zip wire. C offers a long zip wire for adventure seekers. D is located close to the Trossachs National Park. 2 The zip-wire course A offers a great view of the stunning landscape. B ends at a 90 foot waterfall. C has a length of almost 400m. D takes you 130m up into the trees. 3 In the Forest Visitor Centre you can A eat a 5-course meal. B enjoy the most modern facilities. C see a picture of the park on the ceiling. D look through a glass floor down on the trees below. 4 Going through the forest on a Segway A requires some training. B enables you to whizz through the forest without trails. C you can enjoy rally tracks with your friends. D is best done alone so you don’t disturb the animals so much. 5 If you book a zip trekking adventure A you will be on an unforgettable 20-minute tour. B you will get a certificate from Go Ape. C you will have to climb up many ropes. D you will first walk 3 km to the meeting point. D  71 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv