English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Hi, my name’s Andrew Listen to the introductions. Number them in the order you hear them. 1 a Vocabulary Countries and languages Hi, my name’s Sean and I’m from a small town in Wales. I can speak English, some French, some Japanese and some Hungarian. My older sister taught me to snowboard last winter. I practise very often, so I can do it pretty well now. Hello my name’s Valery. I’m from the United States. My family lives in a small house near the coast in San Francisco. My first language is English, but I also speak Spanish and some Chinese. My brother and I like surfing. We go surfing every day after school. I can even do it with my dog in front of me on the board. Hi, I’m Anna. I’m from Austria. I live in an old farmhouse in Salzburg with my mother, my brother and our cats Suzie and Tommy. I speak German, of course, English, and I can read Arabic letters, but I can’t speak Arabic. Every Saturday I go to dance classes with my friends. I like it a lot. Our instructor is very good and always makes us laugh. Hello, I’m Ina. I’m from Slovakia. We live close to the Austrian border, so I can speak some German, Slovak, of course, English and Russian. Our house is quite big, so I have a great, old piano in my room. I can play it very well and sometimes, when our aunt, uncle and cousins come over, we sing the latest songs together. This is a lot of fun. Hi, my name’s George. I’m from Australia. My parents and I live in a cool new flat in Sydney. From my bedroom, I can see the famous Opera House. English is my mother tongue, but I also speak a little French. My grandma lived in Hong Kong for five years, so she showed me how to write my name in Chinese. Hi, I’m Umut. I’m from Turkey. My hometown is Istanbul, where my parents own a large hotel. We also live there on the top floor. My two little brothers and I often play hide and seek in the hotel at night. We meet a lot of people from different countries, so I speak Turkish, German, English, and some Arabic. I can greet people in Japanese. Read the introductions in 1a. Find and list in abbreviations: 1 2 3 4 five countries: 11 languages: who lives in a house: who speaks some Arabic: 5 6 7 who can dance: who can’t speak French: who doesn’t have brothers and / or sisters: b qp49hp 1 7 0 Unit About you Goals „„ introduce yourself „„ say what you can do „„ fill in an online form „„ ask for and give personal information „„ talk about your school career / ideal school day Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv