English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Explore writing: Short requests and reminders Read the short messages below and underline the phrases to express requests. The first one has been done for you. Complete the team assistant’s “Remember” list. 1 Make sure you have your with you. 2 Ask Pete to bring . 3 Check if Moyra has booked tonight. 4 Can Andy join ? 5 Sort out for Monday. 6 Remind Andy to get back to Howard on . 7 Make sure Pete gets a lift . 8 Jim will be about late. 9 Ask Anna about for Monday or go to reception to clarify situation. 10 Make Howard’s part point . 11 Ask Howard regarding and notify Jim. 12 Remind Pete to with Greg from Marketing. Look at the phrases you underlined and use them to make your own requests. Example: Pls. make sure you have your phone on ‘silent’ during the meeting. Business training. Think of a job in a company and decide on a position, e. g. sales rep. Choose three people from different departments to write notes or messages to. Then choose one or two things you want each person to do. For example, write to: ■■ HR ■■ accounting ■■ supply chain manager ■■ marketing department head Read out your messages in class. If any message is directed towards you, write a short reply. 26 a Dear all, Change of plan: briefing for sales reps postponed to Monday, 16 th , at 6 pm. Pls. make sure you have your iPads with you. See you there. Moyra Dear Pete, Can you please make an appoint- ment with Greg from Marketing for me? Got to finalise brochures urgently. Many thanks, Jim Dear all, Can anyone bring flipchart paper and markers to the hotel? Thx, Pete Howard, Will mail agenda in approx. 1 hour. Got last minute changes. Your part will be third on the list. Thanks, A Hi Howard, Did you bring back the projector this morning? Need to send it to the hotel for Monday … Pls, let me know. Thx, Jim Hi there, Can you please sort out catering for the meeting on Monday? Have tight schedule. Thanks so much, Anna Hi Andy, How are you? Can you get back to me on the agenda for the sales reps meeting? Howard Hi there, Got heavy projector to carry; need a lift to hotel for meeting. Is that OK? Could we take Jon, too? Thanks, Pete Hi Moyra, Thanks for the update. Monday’s difficult; can’t cancel dentist appointment, but will try to make it. I’ll be about 30 minutes late. Sorry, Jim Hi Jim, Has Moyra booked a taxi to go to the meeting tonight? Can I join you? Can’t reach her. Pls. let me know asap. Thx, Andy Hi Pete, Yeah, OK. Pick you up at a quarter to 6 in front of office. Can you bring my laser pointer? C U later, Anna Hi Anna, Have you picked up the product samples for Monday evening? They should be downstairs at reception. Howard b 27 28 a b 67 Language skills Extras Explore 5 What would you like? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv