English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Keyword: this, that, these, those Independent learning: Using a dictionary What kind of dictionary do you use in class / at home? ■■ monolingual (in English) ■■ electronic ■■ internet ■■ bilingual (your language and English) ■■ CD-ROM ■■ mobile phone Why do you usually use a dictionary? Tick ( ) the list. Read the dictionary entries for live. Match A–E with the reasons below. 1 to check the spelling of a word 2 to find out what a word means 3 to find out how to say a word 4 to see an example of the word in a sentence 5 to check the kind of word (noun, adjective, verb) Now answer questions 1–4 about live. 1 What kind of word is it? 3 How many meanings does it have? 2 How do you say it? 4 What words often go with it? Work in A/B pairs. A, find the word book in your dictionary or on p. 146. B, find the word match. Answer the questions in 23b. Media task. Do you use any online dictionaries? ■■ If so, list them here: ■■ Go online and explore all the features the online English dictionary offers. Explain what you have found out in class. 22 23 a live 1 [ lçv ] verb 1 to be alive: I hope I live to see my grandchildren. 2 to have your home somewhere: They live in New York. live 2 [ laçv ] adj 1 having life: Millions of live animals are moved around the world each year. 2 A live performance is done with people watching or listening: a live concert ~ live music A B C D E b 24 25 Match sentences 1–4 with pictures A–D. 1 How much is this one? 2 They’re over there, on that wall. 3 Could I try these shoes on, please? 4 Could I have some of those carrots, please? In pairs, ask each other about the names of things in your classroom. Use this, that, these and those. Example: A: What are those in English? B: They’re windows. Replace the underlined words in the conversations with suitable expressions from the boxes. There are two expressions you should not use. 1 A: Are you a student? 3 A: I passed my maths exam this morning. B: Yes, I am. B: Really? You did very well! 2 A: Sorry I’m so late. 4 A: Would you like to go for a coffee? B: No problem. B: Yes, I’d love to. 20 a b 21 That’s right. No, that’s fine, thanks. That’s a good idea. That’s all right. / That’s OK. Something like that. That’s great! That’s right A C B D 66 Language skills Extras Explore 5 What would you like? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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