English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
You probably like certain foods because of their taste or smell. Here are several adjectives that can describe food. Link the words to their meaning. Adjektives Meaning Food 1 bitter A seasoned with a lot of salt dark chocolate, beer 2 bland B crisp, easily breakable 3 crunchy C not stimulating, a bit boring 4 greasy D food that has a sharp taste, like dark chocolate or some kinds of beer 5 hot / spicy E pleasant, slightly salty or with herbs; like crisps 6 juicy F food cooked or flavoured in smoke 7 mushy G fried in oil 8 salty H a lot of flavour, like curry 9 savoury I food that contains a lot of liquid 10 smoked J very soft 11 sour K having an acid taste, like unripe fruit 12 sugary L no flavour 13 creamy M cooked with oil in the oven 14 tasteless N very sweet 15 roasted O soft, smooth food that often contains cream 16 mild P cooked under the grill or on a barbecue 17 grilled Q not very strong Write down two food products in every line of the table above that you think meet the category. There is one example. Use a dictionary to help you. Work in pairs. Use the table above to ask and answer the questions. 1 What’s your favourite food? What’s your favourite drink? Why? 2 Do you eat and do other things at the same time? What? 3 Is there something you especially like eating in winter / in summer? What? 4 Is there something you don’t eat at all? Explain why not. Example: I really like oranges because they are so juicy and sweet when they are ripe. Explain these Austrian dishes to your partner. Use the adjectives above. Some friends from the US visited you. You went for a meal at a traditional Austrian restaurant. Write a blog entry about the food (75–100 words). 18 Vocabulary Describing food a b 19 Speaking & Writing a b breadcrumbed and fried veal scallop roast pork sugared pancakes (with raisins) special Viennese chocolate cake (= Sachertorte) A B C D c Language skills Extras Explore 5 What would you like? 65 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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