English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Which of the foods on the shopping list do you like? Tell each other. Find one more food in the list that: is sweet: bananas, is good for you: carrots, has a skin: onions, is round: watermelon, is good if you’re on a diet: chicken, is high in carbohydrates: potatoes, is low in carbohydrates: lettuce, is a dairy product: yoghurt, Compare your ideas. Do you agree? Example: A: Potatoes are good for you. B: No, they’re not because they are high in carbohydrates. In an interview Anthony Warner, ‘The Angry Chef’, claims to show the “lies and stupidity” in the food world, especially around new diets, wellness and detox. Here are five of his opinions – match them to the pictures. Sum up Anthony’s opinion about the five myths in your own words. Example: Anthony thinks that detoxing does not work because your body gets rid of the toxins anyway. Media task . In pairs, choose one of Anthony’s ‘myths’ and research facts about one of the myths online. Prepare a short statement agreeing / disagreeing with him and present it in class. 12 Vocabulary Food 13 a 1 Picture dictionary, Food , p. 167 bananas prawns lettuce lemons rice yoghurt lamb apples chocolate carrots cheese watermelon beef broccoli chicken potatoes butter onions bread salmon b 14 Reading a b 15 Speaking Myth 1 – Detoxing When people say, “I’m detoxing,” what they’re saying is, “I’m not eating for two days.” It’s just an extreme weight- loss diet, but you make up toxins that aren’t there and say, “I’m doing this to get rid of these toxins” – which your body will do naturally anyway. It creates fear around food. Myth 3 – Home-cooked food is always best It’s linked to wanting women to get back into the kitchen: “Natural home-cooked meals are the only way to be healthy … Things were better before women went to work.” Underlying the demonisation of convenience food, there is a lot of sexism. “Things were better in our grandmother’s day” – were they? Myth 5 – Don’t eat processed food People will have a ready meal from the supermarket and say, “I’m too busy to cook.” Then they’ll say poor people should just stop buying hamburgers. Nonsense. Myth 4 – Sugar is ‘toxic’ Sugar has an enormous amount of energy and is one of the most important building blocks for life. But they say, “It has no nutritional value.” That makes absolutely no sense. Myth 2 – Eat like a caveman The paleo diet is just a low-carb diet given a non-scientific justification. We’ve been eating carbohydrates for a very long time, but they just say, “Well, caveman ate meat.” They have this idea from The Flintstones , but anyone who works in anthropology will say, “No, they’re obviously wrong.” A B C D E Language skills Extras Explore 5 What would you like? 63 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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