English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Shopping trip Listen to Jason shopping. Which three shops does he go to? Make notes. 1 2 3 What does he buy? Listen again to check. Who asks questions 1–7? Write J (Jason) or A (the shop assistant). 1 Do you need some help? 2 How much is this one? 3 How much are they? 4 How many would you like? 5 Is that everything? 6 Do you have any hiking maps? 7 Would you like anything else? Match questions 1–7 with these answers. A Yes, they’re over there. B It’s 9.99. C I’d like a new outdoor jacket. D They’re 79.95. E Yes, I think so. F I’ll have six, please. G No, that’s fine, thanks. Look at how much and how many in the conversations. Which expression do you use to ask about the price of something? Which expression do you use to ask about the number of things? Work in pairs. Choose a shop and think of three things you want to buy. Take turns to be the shop assistant and the customer. Role-play the conversations. Example: A: Can I help you? B: Yes, please. I’m looking for a map of San Francisco. 8 Listening a 2es53q 23 b 9 Vocabulary Buying things a b 10 11 Speaking 62 Language skills Extras Explore 5 What would you like? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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