English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Ó nd8dq2 Do you like shopping? Talk together. Find out about each other’s shopping habits. 1 Do you like shopping? Why? / Why not? 2 What do you enjoy buying? What don’t you enjoy buying? 3 Do you use the internet for shopping? What do you usually buy? Listen to the radio interview with the manager of a new shopping mall, and tick ( ) the things that are mentioned. sports shop escalators pharmacy lifts bank / cash machine jewellery shoe shop music luggage video games toilets newsagent clothes shop sales assistants Indian restaurant supermarket In the shopping centre. Where do you go to do these things? 1 buy boots? 5 buy a football? 2 buy maps? 6 wash your hands? 3 get money? 7 buy medicine? 4 buy trousers? 8 buy a magazine? What other things can you buy in each shop? Example: In a sports shop, you can buy baseball caps. What are your favourite shops to buy the above things? Which of the following can you count? These are countable nouns. Which can you not count? These are uncountable nouns. milk glass of milk T-shirt cotton carrot rice 1 Listening a b v48qa6 22 2 a Vocabulary Shops and shopping b c 3 a Grammar Countable and uncountable nouns A B C D E F 60 5 Unit What would you like? Goals buy things in shops talk about preferences and give reasons talk about shopping and food order a meal write short practical requests and reminders Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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