English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

6 Each unit of this book is designed to help you achieve specific communicative GOALS . These goals are listed at the beginning of each unit. They are based on the language-learning goals stated in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The first pages of each unit help you develop your language skills and knowledge. These pages include SPEAKING , LISTENING , READING , WRITING , GRAMMAR and VOCABULARY , with key language highlighted in blue. They are followed by a communicative speaking or writing task which will help you activate what you have learned. The Extras section of each unit begins with a Keyword , which looks at one of the most common and useful words in English. This is sometimes followed by an Across cultures or an Independent learning section. At selected points in the coursebook, Extras also includes an Info point with HTL -relevant information and terminology. The Extras section is modular in nature and doesn’t have to be dealt with at the point where it occurs in the unit. The Explore section provides additional language and skills work, aiming to help you become a better communicator in English. In this section, you are also introduced to the task formats which you will encounter in the Standardisierte Reife- und Diplomprüfung . The unit concludes with a Self-assessment grid in which you are encouraged to measure your progress against the unit goals set out at the beginning. You can complete this grid either in class or at home. After every third unit, a Competence check section of four pages gives you the opportunity to revise the topics and language from the previous three units. At the back of the book, there is a Grammar reference with extra practice exercises, a Picture dictionary and a Vocabulary with English sample sentences and German translations. 638j3i Go to www.oebv.at and type in the code for additional online materials. The Writing coach gives you information about text types and tips for writing good texts. The different text types are relevant for the Standardisierte Reife- und Diplomprüfung . Media tasks are tasks which train your digital competence. Business training are tasks which train business communication and competence. This audio is on the teacher’s CD. This audio is available online. Go to www.oebv.at and enter the code. Certain exercises have been marked this way to indicate that they are more challenging and/or are an optional consolidation exercise. These exercises may go beyond A2+ level. Ó 17 How to use this coursebook Nu r z Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv