English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Make sentences and write them down. 1 How A from you. 2 I hope B for now. 3 I’m C from you soon. 4 Good to hear D are you? 5 That’s all E you’re well. 6 Hope to hear F fine. Make a list of things you did in the last few weeks. Then write an email to a friend, telling him / her about them. Things I did … Read each other’s emails, then ask questions to find out more. Example: Oh, you bought a new computer. What kind? c 24 a b Self-assessment i i talk about past events talk about first times talk about technical innovations talk about new experiences write a personal letter / email giving news Language skills Extras Explore 4 Changes 59 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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