English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Explore writing: A personal letter / email giving news Read Carrie’s email below. Informal phrases are highlighted in blue. What’s the email about? TIP: You should use language like in the email when writing to a friend. Work in pairs. What was your last holiday like? ■■ Where were you? ■■ What did you do? ■■ Did you meet new people? Who? ■■ Are you still in contact? Do you write each other? 23 a From: Carrie Sent: 27 August To: Hannah Subject: My first trip alone Hi Hannah, How are you? Hope all’s well at home? I’m doing great. This summer I was allowed to go on my first trip abroad alone. My mum’s friend, who lives in southern Italy, invited me to join her and her children at their summer residence near Naples. When Mum told me, I was so excited! Yeah, ok, I was really nervous, too. ;-) I booked my train ticket to the airport online; it was really easy. Mum helped me find a flight to Naples. I even chose my seat on the plane on the computer. Of course, I booked a window seat l . Got a new super-light suitcase in that cool shopping centre we went to in June – remember? Flying alone is fantastic! It’s like you’re discovering the world yourself. Naples was cool, too. And Emilia and Lauro are fun! They are 14 and 16. And, yes, Lauro looks great… You’ve got to see the pics when we meet next week. Got so much to tell you! I even learned standup paddleboarding in the sea. I ate fresh seafood, went to a party and met Lauro’s friends and we hiked up the slopes of Mount Vesuvius. You know, that volcano we read about in Latin class. I plan to visit them again next year. We are now linked on sharepictures.com . You really HAVE to see the pics! How about your summer? Any news? I’m dying to know … That’s all for now, got to go, Love, Carrie Greetings: Informal greeting: Hi, Hello and person’s name. Paragraphing: Put one main idea into one paragraph 1 new idea = new para- graph. Contractions: · · Informal writing includes contractions: all’s, I’m, it’s. · · You can also abbreviate words: pics . · · Incomplete sentences are OK. Closing: Close the email with a phrase. Alternatives would be: Hope to hear from you again soon. / Write soon. / Best of luck with … / Hope all goes well with … Closing: Informal ending: love, yours, best, take care, cheers. b Writing coach 58 Language skills Extras Explore 4 Changes Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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