English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Work in pairs. List and discuss real-life objects that look like the shapes on p. 56. Example: A bowling ball is a heavy, spherical object made of plastic . Drawings Technical drawings are usually scale drawings. They show the object in a specific ratio to the actual size of the object. A scale like 1 : 10 (say: “one to ten”) shows objects 10 times smaller than they really are (10mm in the drawing represents 100mm in reality). The first number always refers to the length of the drawing on paper and the second number refers to the length of the real-life object. Complete the sentences with the words in the boxes. 1 The table is 160 cm long. Its is 160 cm. 2 The dimensions of the cupboard are: It is 80 cm , 40 cm length 80 cm, width 40 cm, height 180 cm. and 180 cm . 3 The lake is 80m deep. Its is 80m. 4 The shirt has 1-cm-wide blue stripes. The of the stripes is 1 cm. 5 Aeroplanes fly very high. They fly at 30,000 feet. They fly at a of 30,000 feet. 6 The depth of the box is 20 cm. It is 20 cm . Listen and answer the questions. 1 How would you describe an equilateral triangle? A It has two equal sides and angles. It has three equal sides and angles. C It has no equal sides or angles. D It has one angle that is a right angle. 2 The angles of a triangle always add up to A 90 degrees. B 160 degrees. C 180 degrees. D 360 degrees. 3 Which statement describes a square? A It is diamond-shaped. B It has two pairs of equal sides and four right angles. C It has four equal sides. D It has depth. 4 Which statement describes a parallelogram? A It looks like a square. B It looks like a shifted rectangle. C Its opposite angles aren’t equal. D Its opposite sides aren’t parallel. 5 Which statement is true? A A circle has a central point. B A circle has a beginning. C A circle has two diameters. D A circle doesn’t have a radius. 6 How many rings make up the Olympic logo? A Three rings B Four rings C Five rings D Six rings Listen to the instructions and draw the shapes. Now think of your own drawing and draw it. Include shapes and objects from p. 56. Work in A/B pairs. A, describe your drawing to B. (If you need more language to describe your drawing, look at the conversation on p. 144) B, listen to A and draw. B, check with A if your drawing is correct. Then change roles. 18 19 wide high depth length width height deep long length 20 kd2fm7 20 B 21 c4b8ed 21 22 a b c 57 Language skills Extras Explore 4 Changes Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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