English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch
Listen to Onyinye and circle the right words. 1 Onyinye moved when she was five / fifteen years old. 2 She says everything was difficult / different . 3 She remembers / doesn’t remember the first time she saw snow. 4 She enjoyed / didn’t enjoy playing in the snow. Which expressions are about good experiences? Which are about bad experiences? Which can be about both? Put the expressions in the correct columns. You can also add some of your own. It was really exciting interesting difficult boring strange It was very I had a great time lots of fun a terrible time a lovely time a very bad time Good experiences Bad experiences Both I had a great time Listen to Andrew talking about an important event in his life – learning to swim. Answer the questions. 1 When was it? 2 Where was he? 3 Who was he with? 4 How did he feel? What do you think about Andrew’s story? ■■ Do you remember how you learned to swim? Write down one or two important events in your life. For example, when you: ■■ started going to school. ■■ got a baby sister / brother. ■■ moved into a new house or flat. ■■ met an important new person. ■■ went on a trip. ■■ started going to your new school. Think about each event. ■■ When did it happen? last month, many years ago … ■■ Where did it happen? at work, in Innsbruck, in a club … ■■ What happened? We had a car accident, I met … ■■ How was it? It was exciting, I had a terrible time … In pairs, ask and answer questions about each other’s events. Example: A: So, when did you learn to snowboard? B: That was three years ago. A: And where was that? i5vh5n b 18 11 Vocabulary Good and bad experiences 12 Listening a 3k3a79 19 b 13 a Writing & Speaking b c 54 Language skills Extras Explore 4 Changes Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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