English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Talking about new experiences Read through the notes (1–3) about Susan’s last weekend. Use the past simple to complete the story. What did you do last weekend? Tell your partner about it. Read about Onyinye and look at the photos. What differences between Nigeria and Scotland do you think she will talk about? 8 Writing 2 Saturday long lie-in new book very exciting cinema with Lucy an Austrian restaurant with parents Wiener schnitzel – first time – great very tired bed at 11 p. m. 3 Sunday early breakfast dogs for walk with Tom and his sister to the zoo work-out at the gym very hungry huge bowl of pasta for dinner - brother sushi homework for Monday very tired – bed at 10 p.m. 1 Friday evening café with friends old stories about school life a really good time a lot of laughs home very late Last weekend On Friday night Susan met her friends and they went to a cafe … 9 Speaking 10 Listening a Onyinye was born in Nigeria but grew up in the UK. She talks about her memories of moving to Scotland when she was a child. Language skills Extras Explore 4 Changes 53 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv