English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

5 Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ What’s happening right now? „„ Your typical week „„ Sorry, we’re just having dinner „„ Saying you’re busy „„ What do you do all day? „„ Working as a travel agent „„ What are people doing? „„ What are your tasks at work? „„ Keyword: spend „„ Across cultures: School life „„ Info point: Calculating „„ Listening: American high schools „„ Speaking: Expressing uncertainty Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Talking about arrangements „„ Getting around „„ A journey you like „„ Buying a ticket „„ At an airport „„ Telling a story „„ Describing a journey „„ How do you get there? „„ One-wheeled wonder „„ Help! A traveller’s tale „„ A journey you like „„ Your story „„ Keyword: get „„ Across cultures: Saying sorry „„ Writing: Giving directions „„ Listening: A trip to Cambodia Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Making comparisons „„ Choosing a film to see „„ Arranging to meet „„ Planning a film night „„ A cinema programme „„ John and Rachel’s messages „„ Describing a film „„ Keyword: about „„ Writing: – Invitations and replies – A review of your favourite film „„ Speaking: Presenting your favourite film „„ Reading: A festival programme Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ At a pharmacy „„ Remedies for a cold „„ If I have a cold, … „„ Medicine packages „„ Home remedies „„ Stay healthy at school „„ Home remedies – giving your opinion „„ A blog entry giving advice „„ Keyword: of „„ Info point: Measuring „„ Writing: An email apologising „„ Listening: Staying healthy Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Have you ever …? „„ I’ve always wanted to … „„ Places you’ve been to „„ Grandpa Frank’s story „„ Great places „„ Things you’ve never done „„ An article about a famous Austrian sight „„ An article about a fascinating place „„ Keyword: at, take „„ Across cultures: Your experiences „„ Listening: World travellers „„ Speaking 1: A famous place „„ Speaking 2: Starting / Finishing conversations p. 84 p. 96 p. 109 p. 125 p. 137 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv