English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

3 Speaking Reading Writing Extras „„ Enrolling in a course „„ Talking about your school career / ideal school day „„ School careers „„ Introducing yourself „„ Creating an ideal school day „„ Independent learning: How to use this book Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Introductions, relation- ships „„ Talking about your old school / a person you know well „„ Talking about famous people „„ What was your old school like? „„ Introductions / Relation- ships „„ Describing your old school „„ Keyword: OK „„ Across cultures: Greetings „„ Writing: A profile about yourself „„ Reading: Emails and profiles from abroad Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Interviewing a person „„ Asking for something „„ Taking care of a guest „„ Sofasurfing.com „„ Melek’s guest „„ A profile for a website „„ Writing an email from a business trip „„ Keyword: in „„ Across cultures: Breakfasts „„ Reading: Leaflets for language holidays „„ Writing: An email requesting something „„ Listening: Sightseeing in London Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ How often do you …? „„ Free time / special occasions „„ Inviting someone out „„ Describing places / homes / famous landmarks „„ Renting a room „„ Interviews from the online magazine Leisure Exhibition „„ Place to place „„ DublinCapitalRentals.com „„ Having a good time to me means … „„ Describing your home „„ Planning activities for a weekend with colleagues „„ Keyword: on Speaking: A phone message Writing: A blog entry Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Accidental inventions „„ Talking about useful inventions „„ Talking about your experiences „„ Things that changed the world „„ Writing about Susan’s last weekend „„ Keyword: have „„ Independent lerarning: Self-study „„ Info point: Shapes and drawings „„ Reading: Forest park adventure „„ Writing: A personal letter / email giving news Speaking Reading Writing Extras Explore „„ Talking about preferences „„ Buying things in shops „„ Talking about food „„ Ordering a meal „„ Describing different dishes „„ Food myths „„ Describing food „„ Keyword: this, that, … „„ Independent learning: Using a dictionary „„ Writing: Short requests and reminders „„ Listening: Ordering a takeaway on the phone „„ Speaking: In the shopping mall „„ Reading: A takeaway menu p. 19 p. 30 p. 48 p. 58 p. 67 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv