English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

2 About you Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Introduce yourself „„ Say what you can do „„ Fill in an online form „„ Ask for and give personal information „„ Talk about your school career / ideal school day „„ Countries and languages „„ Introducing yourself „„ Letters, numbers, addresses „„ Personal information „„ Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives „„ Introducing yourself „„ Clara enrolling in a course People in your life Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Introduce people, say who they are „„ Ask questions to check information „„ Talk about present and past schools / school experiences „„ Describe people’s personality „„ Describe relationships „„ Write short profiles about people „„ People you know „„ Talking about schools „„ How you know people „„ Personality „„ Possessive ’s „„ be past: was, were „„ Adjectives and adverbs „„ Open day at school „„ Michael and Donna’s friends „„ Greetings Away from home Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Say what you want to do „„ Say what your interests are „„ Make and respond to offers and requests „„ Write an email requesting something „„ Interests and wants „„ Offers and requests „„ Taking care of a guest „„ a, an or some „„ Present simple „„ What do you miss? „„ Talking about free time activities „„ Gwen asking for things „„ Melek’s guest Competence check: Units 1–2 Your time, your space! Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Talk about your free time, likes and dislikes „„ Talk about habits and customs „„ Make and respond to invitations „„ Talk about cities, neighbourhoods and homes „„ Find information in adverts for rooms „„ Take a phone message, ask people to repeat „„ Write a blog entry „„ Free time activities „„ Adverbs of frequency „„ Invitations „„ Describing places / homes „„ Things in the home „„ Prepositions of place „„ An environmentally- friendly home „„ Adverts for rooms „„ Subject / Object pronouns „„ Adverbs „„ Sentence structure „„ Invitations „„ My favourite room „„ Alicja looking for a room Changes Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Talk about past events „„ Talk about first times „„ Talk about technical innovations „„ Talk about new experiences „„ Write a personal letter / email giving news „„ Good and bad experiences „„ Past simple verbs „„ Past simple „„ Yoko’s technology firsts „„ From Nigeria to Scotland „„ Andrew’s first swimming experience What would you like? Goals Vocabulary Grammar Listening „„ Buy things in shops „„ Talk about preferences and give reasons „„ Talk about shopping and food „„ Order a meal „„ Write short practical requests and reminders „„ Shops and shopping „„ Preferences and giving reasons „„ Buying things „„ Food „„ Describing food „„ Countable and uncountable nouns „„ Interview with the manager of a new shopping mall „„ Jason in the shopping centre „„ Ordering in a restaurant Competence check: Units 3–5 Unit 0 p. 7 Unit 1 p. 12 p. 22 Unit 2 p. 34 p. 38 Unit 3 p. 50 Unit 4 Unit 5 p. 60 p. 70 Contents Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv