English Unlimited HTL 1, Schulbuch

Write your own profile using the ones in 9a as models. Complete it with a photo. Work in pairs. Tell each other about your school careers so far and your favourite subjects in your new school. Talk about: ■■ the kind of schools you went to. ■■ the subjects you had and liked or did not like. ■■ your favourite subjects in the new school. Look at Anna and Philipp’s timetables. They show typical days at a vocational college. Find the answers to these questions: 1 When do they start and finish school? 3 How long are their lessons? 2 How many lessons do they have? 4 What subjects do they have? Anna Monday Philipp Wednesday 8.00–8.50 Hardware design 8.00–10.40 Programming 8.50–9.40 Hardware design 10.50–11.40 English 9.50–10.40 Maths 11.40–12.30 Maths 10.40–11.30 Maths 12.30–13.20 Maths 11.30–12.20 Science 13.20–13.50 Lunch Break 12.20–13.20 Lunch break 13.50–14.40 Science 13.20–14.10 Prototyping electronic systems 14.45–15.35 German 14.20–16.00 Personal and social studies 15.40–16.30 IT practice Fill in your own timetable. What is your week like? Work in pairs, choose different days and describe your timetables. Example: On Monday from 08.00 to 08.50 we have … ■ Lunch is from … ■ School ends at … Time Monday T W T F b 10 Speaking a Use phrases like: From 2015 to 2018, I went to … I had … I liked / didn’t like … because … Now, my favourite subjects are … because … b c 10 Language skills Extras Explore 0 About you Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv