Besides, “non-democratic, authoritarian governments such as China” have been successful in some respects “because they are better able to compel specific behaviour from citizens without concern for individual liberties, or dissent from a free press.”However, “most authoritarian systems are hampered by structural weaknesses,” and “[t]he jury is still out on how China’s story will develop” and “whether other nations will strengthen or weaken their democracies in response.” “Recent events have led some commentators to conclude that the system is broken. But […] we should be acutely aware that we live in societies that permit us to criticise, and that this is in itself a crucial right. We should also question what our alternatives would be. We might imagine the landscape in an authoritarian or dictatorship state: would we expect to receive a fairer trial? To find more balanced information on the internet? To see minority rights more protected?” Former world chess champion Garry Kasparov also points out that it would be a grave mistake to take “pluralism, tolerance and democracy […] for granted.” Anyone who does “risks losing them. Free and fair elections […] are a privilege. […] Freedom of speech is also a privilege. […] For those who believe the […] system is inherently oppressive and irredeemable, just ask a refugee or dissident about the alternatives.” JUST FOR FUN The Secretary of Defense is giving the President his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: “Yesterday, three Brazilian soldiers were killed.”“Oh no!”, the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!” His staff are stunned at this display of emotion. They watch nervously as the President sits, head in hands. Finally, he looks up and asks, “How many is a brazillion?” Topic-related vocabulary: Politics Political systems and elements government Regierung election Wahl participation Teilnahme, Beteiligung to amend abändern, ergänzen The U.S. Constitution has been amended 27 times. to exercise control over Kontrolle über (etwas) ausüben enforcement Erzwingung, Durchsetzung Law enforcement is an essential piece of the criminal justice system. negotiation Verhandlung to imply implizieren, bedeuten, beinhalten dictatorship Diktatur sovereignty oberste Hoheit, höchste Gewalt rule of law Rechtsstaatlichkeit procedure Verfahren, Vorgehensweise representative (Volks-)Vertreter/in, Abgeordnete/r trade union Gewerkschaft empire Imperium, (Kaiser-)Reich conquest Eroberung to wage war on Krieg führen gegen judiciary Gerichtswesen Our independent judiciary is something we should all be thankful for. censorship Zensur to run rampant stark zunehmen, um sich greifen demagogue Demagoge, Populist authoritarian autoritär Authoritarian tendencies have been on the increase in many countries. dissident Regimekritiker/in, Dissident/in 5be643 ballot Stimmzettel ballot box Wahlurne bill Gesetzesentwurf bipartisan ZweiparteienThis law passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. campaign Kampagne; Wahlkampf checks and balances gegenseitige Kontrolle der einzelnen Verfassungsorgane, um sicherzustellen, dass keines der Organe zu viel Macht erlangt constituency Wahlkreis constitution Verfassung, Grundgesetz electorate Wählerschaft, Stimmberechtigte head of state Staatsoberhaupt chancellor Kanzler prime minister Premierminister minister Minister (BE) Secretary Minister (AE) House of Lords Oberhaus (eine Kammer des Parlaments des Vereinigten Königreichs) House of Commons Unterhaus (die zweite Kammer des Parlaments des Vereinigten Königreichs) Senate Senat (eine Kammer des Kongresses der USA) House of Representatives Repräsentantenhaus (die zweite Kammer des Kongresses der USA) legislation Gesetzgebung opinion poll Meinungsumfrage party Partei policy Programm, Strategie; Politik They have been talking about having a common policy since 1999. Key aspects Strategies Sample task 9 Politics 81 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv