Environmental issues global warming Erderwärmung to exceed übersteigen, übertreffen For the seventh year in succession, temperatures have exceeded or been close to 1.0°C above pre-industrial levels. severe schwer, schlimm, stark drought Trockenheit, Dürre Severe droughts are drying up rivers and reservoirs vital for the production of hydropower. precipitation Niederschlag threshold (level) Schwelle, Schwellenwert The mortality rate was estimated at 0.31, which is above the threshold of 0.24. to thaw auftauen shrinking wetlands schrumpfende Feuchtbiotope, Sumpfgebiete soil degradation Bodenzerstörung to exacerbate verschlimmern, verschärfen Environmental degradation has been exacerbated by factors such as pollution and poor farming methods. deforestation Abholzung, Entwaldung desertification Vordringen der Wüste, Verwüstung extinction of species Artensterben loss of biodiversity Verlust von Artenvielfalt, Biodiversität habitat destruction Zerstörung von Lebensraum irreversible unumkehrbar, nicht rückgängig zu machen depletion vollständiger Abbau, Erschöpfung (von Ressourcen) Unsustainable consumption and production patterns have resulted in the depletion of renewable and non-renewable environmental resources. coastal erosion Küstenerosion elevation (Boden-)Erhebung, Anhöhe to be submerged überschwemmt sein, unter Wasser sein water shortage Wassermangel, Wasserknappheit unprecedented noch nie dagewesen, beispiellos Human activity is changing the natural environment at an unprecedented rate. irrefutable unwiderlegbar, unbestreitbar The evidence is irrefutable. scarcity Knappheit Industrial and other human activity greenhouse gas Treibhausgas to emit ausstoßen, emittieren methane Methan(gas) emissions of carbon dioxide Kohlendioxidausstoß industrial runoff industrieller Abfluss We defend San Diego County’s water from urban and industrial runoff. pesticide Schädlingsbekämpfungsmittel fertiliser Dünger sewage Abwasser Sewage can generate a variety of gases, including carbon dioxide, methane, and sulphur dioxide. 5at9sc contaminant Verunreinigung landfill Mülldeponie dairy (products) Milchprodukte Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet. crops landwirtschaftliche Feldfrüchte livestock Vieh Corn is the mainstay of almost all livestock feed. devastating verheerend, vernichtend apparel Gewand, Kleidung carbon footprint ökologischer Fußabdruck anthropogenic von Menschen verursacht The increases in atmospheric CO2 recorded since 1958 are clearly anthropogenic in origin. Human health and possible solutions sane geistig gesund, normal exposure Ausgesetztsein, Kontakt Lead is a toxic metal that can be harmful to human health even at low exposure levels. to volunteer freiwillig mitarbeiten commitment Engagement, Leistungsbereitschaft, Selbstverpflichtung climate literacy Klimakenntnisse, Klimakompetenz Climate literacy is an understanding of human impacts on climate and the impacts of climate on human systems. hydro power Wasserkraft geothermal power geothermische Energie, Erdwärmeenergie tidal power Gezeitenkraft grey water Grauwasser, Brauchwasser to carpool Fahrgemeinschaften bilden biodegradable biologisch abbaubar sustainability Nachhaltigkeit Sustainability has been a buzzword for decades now. biosphere Biosphäre, Leben auf der Erde eco anxiety Angst um die Umwelt psychological disorder psychische Störung to afflict plagen, zu schaffen machen Many adolescents have been afflicted by psychological distress in recent years. paralysed gelähmt denial Leugnung to channel fear into action Angst in Taten, Tatkraft umwandeln actionable machbar, durchführbar, umsetzbar solar panels Solarpaneele carbon offsets CO2-Kompensationen Carbon offsets are a practical and effective way to address climate change. grievous schwer, schmerzlich, schlimm concern Anliegen, Sorge to counteract entgegenwirken, bekämpfen Action must be taken to counteract these threats. Topic-related vocabulary: Environment & sustainability 58 Key aspects Strategies Sample task 6 Environment & sustainability Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv