Englisch BHS mündliche Matura, Maturatraining

It looks as though you are approaching the end of your school career. You’re now almost ready to graduate. Ready to wrap things up1 – to take the oral Matura exam in English. Yes! What do you need to take that exam? Do you have all it takes to excel? To rock the house? If you think, “Maybe I’m not quite there yet” or “I’m not sure”, you have come to the right place. This book is intended to help you at this critical stage. Working with it will help you pass your final exam – and not just barely, by the skin of your teeth2, but with flying colours3. So, let’s go! Key aspects What do you have to do at your exam? Two things. Firstly, you have to talk alone for about four or five minutes, and secondly, you have to have a conversation with your teacher or another candidate for another eight to ten minutes. Most people find the first part more challenging. Filling four minutes (or more) with good, meaningful language that relates to your task is not that easy. Nevertheless, you can do it. How? ■■ You have to know some facts about your topic. Actually, this is not even a necessary prerequisite4, strictly speaking. Some people are excellent at discussing topics they know very little about. However, it is definitely easier and more satisfying to talk about things you are familiar with. Ideally, you should also care about the things you cover in your talk. ■■ Most things are fun and easy to talk about if you are passionate about them (see section “Speaking with passion” below 1 0.3, 1 0.4). 0.1  Video: The exam Scan this page with the QuickMedia app to find a video tutorial JUST FOR FUN I’m a bit nervous about my maths exam. I think my chances of passing it are 40–40. “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” Estée Lauder (1908–2004), American businesswoman 1 to wrap up: abschließen, zu Ende bringen 2 by the skin of your teeth: mit knapper Not, mit Hängen und Würgen 3 with flying colours: glänzend, mit Bravour 4 prerequisite: Voraussetzung 5 0 Topic Introduction Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv