Englisch BHS mündliche Matura, Maturatraining

market penetration Marktdurchdringung This early success indicates that the technology is likely to achieve significant market penetration. marketable (noun: marketability) marktfähig, absetzbar The product will become much more marketable if we improve the design. overexposure zu große Präsenz SWOT (= Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis SWOT-Analyse Anyone who’s studied marketing knows what the letters S.W.O.T. stand for. Advertising to promote für etwas werben to target someone auf jemanden abzielen to endorse befürworten, unterstützen celebrity endorsement Werbung mit Prominenten testimonial Empfehlung, öffentliche Anerkennung catchy eingängig memorable (noun: memorability) unvergesslich, in Erinnerung bleibend tie-in gemeinsame gleichzeitige Werbung, aufeinander abgestimmte Werbung The event is a tie-in to this company’s overall strategy to appeal to creative individuals. cross-promotion produktübergreifende Werbekampagne stringent laws strenge Gesetze deceptive practices irreführende Praktiken Our goal is to protect people from malicious online ads and deceptive practices. SEO (= search engine optimisation) Suchmaschinenoptimierung to arouse desire den Wunsch / die Lust wecken, stimulieren One of the general goals of advertising is to arouse desire for a product. to fall victim to something etwas erliegen, etwas zum Opfer fallen Don’t fall victim to false advertising techniques. Be vigilant and educate yourself as a consumer. grand promises großartige Versprechungen to enhance verbessern, hervorheben, stärken, fördern Exposure to e-cigarette advertisements may enhance curiosity and usage among young adults, according to a new study. subconscious unterbewusst unethical ethisch bedenklich, unmoralisch, verwerflich bill Plakat There was a time when towns and companies actually posted signs on their buildings or structures that said, “Post No Bills”. billboard (AE) Reklametafel, Plakatwand hoarding (BE) Reklametafel, Plakatwand commercial break Werbepause circulation Auflage Print media has suffered from declining circulation in recent years, which is why some advertisers are reluctant to advertise in magazines or newspapers. classified ad (= advertisement) Kleinanzeige copywriter Werbetexter/in peak time Hauptsendezeit point of sale Verkaufsstelle advertorial redaktionelle Werbeeinschaltung brand ambassador Markenbotschafter/in She acted as a brand ambassador in exchange for a free pair of shoes. Madison Avenue die amerikanische Werbeindustrie The term “Madison Avenue” is often used to stand for the American advertising industry, which developed and grew very quickly in this area of Manhattan in the early 20th century. to tout something für etwas Reklame machen We saw plenty of hotels touting free breakfasts. Methods & strategies: Talking to yourself No one understands you like you do … To master a foreign language, it is crucial to be fluent as well as accurate. To become fluent in speaking any language, it is necessary to speak as much as possible. The more time you spend with the language, the better. In this area, quantity often leads to quality, and there is hardly ever quality without quantity. Speak freely – without reading off a screen or piece of paper – as often as possible. This is a matter of practice, so be patient with yourself and stick with it. One of the best people to talk to, about any topic at all, is you. Talk to yourself as often as possible. If you get stuck, it will not be a problem, as nobody will laugh at you. By doing this regularly, you will get much more comfortable speaking in front of others and probably even increase your self-esteem. Whether or not you occasionally use your mirror as your audience is entirely up to you. Some people like looking at themselves while practicing. Others don’t. One benefit of using the mirror is that you are forced to practice speaking without reading off any notes. However, you can also speak to yourself outside the confines of your bedroom. Take a walk in the forest, for example, and talk to yourself there. Any time spent on your bike is normally also a good opportunity to say a few words – to yourself. How-to [E] 5.2  Video: Talking to yourself 47 Key aspects Strategies Sample task 5 Marketing & advertising Nu zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv