stocks Aktien, Wertpapiere shares Aktien shareholder Aktionär/in Shareholders own shares in a company and are usually paid dividends when the company makes a profit. stock exchange Börse to go public an die Börse gehen IPO (= initial public offering) Börsengang, öffentliche Erstemission branch Zweigstelle Our bank will be opening many new branches in smaller cities next year. B2C (= business-to-consumer) Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmen und Endverbrauchern B2B (= business-to-business) Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmen oder Händlern untereinander headquarters (singular or plural) Zentrale, Hauptgeschäftssitz The company has just completed its new headquarters in Silicon Valley. acquisition Übernahme, Akquise, Akquisition WhatsApp was probably Mark Zuckerberg’s most significant acquisition. merger Fusion, Firmenzusammenlegung takeover Übernahme A takeover can be friendly or hostile. accountant Buchhalter/in, Kostenrechner/in clerk Büroangestellte/r labourer (ungelernte/r) Arbeiter/in, Hilfsarbeiter/in skilled worker Facharbeiter/in We need more skilled workers in this country. Business principles, legal & social environment competitive leistungsorientiert; umkämpft; wettbewerbsfähig competitor Konkurrent/in, Mittbewerber/in competition Konkurrenz target group Zielgruppe to launch starten, einführen raw materials Rohstoffe supply and demand Angebot und Nachfrage to expand (noun: expansion) expandieren, wachsen disruptive technology bahnbrechende, umwälzende Technologie the corporate world die Geschäftswelt, die Unternehmenswelt stakeholder Mitglied einer Interessensgruppe; jemand, der/die von den Entscheidungen und Handlungen einer Firma persönlich betroffen ist Stakeholders of a company include employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders and the local community. creditor Gläubiger, Kreditgeber/in invoice Rechnung Don’t forget that we need to pay within 45 days of receiving the invoice. to tax besteuern Investment profits are taxed at a lower rate than salaries or wages. tangible materiell, greifbar psychological welfare geistiges, psychisches Wohl community hub Zentrum für gesellschaftliche Begegnungen to socialise (BE) / socialize (AE) unter Leuten sein, Kontakte knüpfen, gesellschaftlich verkehren CSR contentious umstritten, kontrovers finite resources begrenzte Ressourcen So many of the things we consume come from finite resources. consideration Berücksichtigung, Rücksicht A sustainable approach requires consideration of environmental, social, cultural and economic factors. diversity Vielfalt drug pricing Festlegung, Gestaltung von Medikamentenpreisen to carry through umsetzen, durchführen, durchsetzen, in die Tat umsetzen proceeds Erlös, Gewinn ethics Ethik, Moral governance Kontrolle, Regeln, Grundsätze to outsource auslagern, outsourcen to offshore in ein anderes Land mit niedrigerem Lohn- oder Steuerniveau auslagern As many as 40 million jobs are at risk of being offshored. Other words to wield enormous influence enormen Einfluss ausüben to an unprecedented degree in bislang ungekanntem Ausmaß to go into administration Insolvenz anmelden The company has gone into administration as it is unable to pay back its debts. to underwrite bürgen für, garantieren This kind of stability underwrites economic growth. to conduct operations Arbeiten durchführen clout Schlagkraft, Macht, Einfluss to maintain instand halten, warten to foster fördern JUST FOR FUN Two factory workers are talking. The woman says, “I can make the boss give me the day off.”The man replies, “And how would you do that?”The woman says, “Just wait and see.” She then hangs upside down from the ceiling. The boss comes in and says, “What are you doing?”The woman replies, “I’m a light bulb.”The boss then says, “You’ve been working so much that you’ve gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.”The man starts to follow her, and the boss says, “Where are you going?”The man says, “I’m going home, too. I can’t work in the dark.” 28 Key aspects Strategies Sample task 3 Companies & CSR Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv