to expose to something einer Sache aussetzen Smart home technology also exposes homeowners to cyberrelated attacks. intimacy Intimität, Vertrautheit We need to know and respect each other’s levels of privacy and intimacy. data accumulation Ansammeln von Daten to spy on someone jmdn. bespitzeln, jmdn. ausspionieren to betray verraten surveillance state Überwachungsstaat to give away verraten, verschenken Other words information broker / data broker Informationsvermittler/in, Informationsbroker an integral part ein wesentlicher Bestandteil solely nur, einzig und allein nursing home Altersheim limited range of movement eingeschränkter Bewegungsradius thorough makeover tiefgreifende Veränderung, gründliche Umgestaltung The bathroom needed a thorough makeover. to acquire erwerben, kaufen; sich aneignen belongings persönliche Sachen, Besitztümer to scale back reduzieren, einschränken British consumers scaled back the amount they borrowed using credit cards compared with last year. under intense scrutiny unter genauer Beobachtung These developments have put drug companies under intense scrutiny in recent years. to part with one’s data sich von seinen Daten trennen Methods & strategies: Working with pros and cons There’s more than one side to it This is a fundamental fact that seems almost too trivial to mention but is often disregarded: Most topics have positive as well as negative aspects. Indeed, it is usually worth investigating them from either perspective! Not only will this add depth to the contents of your speech or presentation, but it will also provide an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your linguistic skills. There are some great phrases to use for this purpose, some of which you will find below. Finding pros and cons in a text ■■ Read the text “Are Smart Homes a Smart Idea?” on (search for it or scan this page with the QuickMedia app). Alternatively, search for another text on the pros and cons of smart homes. ■■ Copy and paste the text into a word processing program such as MS Word. ■■ Highlight any phrases or structures you find interesting. ■■ Write down in keywords the six main points. For example: Talking about the pros and cons of smart homes using linking elements ■■ Using your notes (but not the original text) and as many of the linking phrases and elements listed below as possible, talk about the pros and cons of smart homes for about three minutes. ■■ Begin with a brief introductory statement. For example, this is what you could say: How-to [C] [J] 2.2 Video: Pros & cons JUST FOR FUN Someone broke into my house and stole 20% of my couch. Ouch! To do [B] [C] 2.3 Quite expensive (purchase, maintenance, costly repairs) Not always compatible with other systems, lots of apps and accounts needed To do [B] [C] [J] 2.4 Smart homes have been gaining traction1 on the market in the last few years. They are becoming more and more popular. However, not everyone is fully convinced of their benefits, and some critics have pointed out that there are number of downsides to them as well. So, let’s look at some of those pros and cons. 1 to gain traction: an Zugkraft gewinnen, Fuß fassen, Fahrt aufnehmen Key aspects Strategies Sample task 2 Smart homes, smart lives 21 Nur zu Prüfzw cken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv