English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Business training. Work in pairs. Go online and choose a product you are interested in. Prepare a sales talk. ■■ Choose your target audience (e.g. young people, families, young professionals, city dwellers, first-time flat buyers, elderly people) ■■ Find or think of ‘brand images’ and slogans. ■■ Highlight your product’s main selling points. Deliver your sales talk in front of the class. Try to talk for about 3–5 minutes. The following expressions may be useful. Speaking 16 a b Today I am going to present … Let me introduce / give you some background information on … / draw your attention to … Our special offer includes … / Our venue / product features … and benefits include … What makes us different is … This product / It … comes with … / … is available in … Once you have tried it, you will … / From my own experience, I can say … We are prepared to give you … / For special customers like you … You will only be charged … / For just £ … you will have the exclusive use of … A press release Look at these logos for Koala Kola. What kind of market do you think the drink is aimed at? Listen to the podcast to check your answer. Complete these sentences about the launch of Koala Kola, using your own words where possible. 1 Koala Foods Inc. needed to launch a new product because … 2 The distinguishing features of the Koala Kola logos are … 3 Katie thinks that Koala Kola logos can be both … 4 Summing up, she sees the change in the Koala logo as creating … Listen again and find words/expressions which mean the following. 1 as a result of 4 radical change 7 banal 2 alleviate 5 identity 8 advantage 3 invest … in 6 innovative What is a press release? Choose the best definition. 1 A public statement about a product/company for the press to publish if they wish 2 A form of advertising used to convince the consumer to invest in a product 3 A feature story about a product or company to be used directly by the media Read the press release from Koala Foods Inc. Tick the kind of information that appears. 1 other news related to the main item, such as events, etc. 4 short texts and powerful images 2 more product details than you would find in an advert 5 actual facts and news 3 slogans and attractive images Listening 17 a b dj7tc6 17 c d Reading 18 a b 50 Language skills Extras Explore 4 It’s all about advertising Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv