Think about current advertisements and commercials. In pairs, choose one and prepare to talk about it. It could be: ■■ an advert on a hoarding at the side of the road or an advert in a magazine. ■■ an online video clip. ■■ a TV or film advert. Present your ad or commercial in class. In your talk, you should: ■■ describe the ad/commercial, its message and target group ■■ analyse which advertising technique(s) it exploits ■■ speculate about its success with the target audience Read the text on global advertising below and match the paragraphs with the appropriate headings. A A portmanteau word to describe new developments C Beneficial side effects of a shrinking world B The pitfalls of worldwide campaigns Speaking 8 a b Reading & Speaking 9 a (1) Some of the winners of globalisation, where fashions and tastes are becoming increasingly alike and electronic media enable the worldwide dissemination of information, are international advertisers and big companies. Putting together global campaigns that use the same promotional material in many different countries helps multinational companies to lower costs and develop a global brand identity. (2) The dangers inherent in using the same promotional material throughout the world are language differences, legal restrictions, religious sensibilities and cultural peculiarities, which, for example, impact on the name of a product, determine what can be shown and how it can be shown as well as conditioning the audience’s response. In some countries, for example, children cannot feature in ads, it is illegal to show alcohol, and scantily-clad women are taboo; finally, what is welcomed as a work-saving device in one culture may be seen as an invitation to laziness in another. (3) In order to avoid embarrassing mistakes and/or expensive legal action, the keyword for global advertisers is ‘glocalisation,’ which is a combination of the words “globalisation” and “localisation”. It means that international campaigns are assessed and, if need be, modified and adapted to local conditions. This is done by local teams, who know the language, customs, laws and mentality of their compatriots. In groups, think of ads or marketing campaigns that could be used globally. Which ones would have to be adapted to local conditions and why? Media task. The internet and social media have paved the way for new advertising trends. Do you know these advertising methods? 1 viral ads 2 search engine marketing 3 online video game advertising 4 multi-sensory marketing Work in pairs. Go online and find an example for each category. Compare results with another pair. Can you agree on a favourite ad? Look at the chart and discuss which emotions are evoked by your favourite ad. In your group of four, present your favourite ad in class. Which advertising techniques are used (see 7a)? Which emotions are exploited? Skim the article on the next page, i.e. quickly have a look through it to get the main idea. What is it about? What do you think is the answer to the headline? b Other (15%) Emotions evoked by popular ads Surprise (2%) Sadness (1%) Empathy (6%) Awe (25%) Anger (6%) Laughter (17%) Joy (14%) Amusement (15%) 10 a b c d Reading 11 a Language skills Extras Explore 4 It’s all about advertising 47 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv