Taking into account the information from 14b and any additional experience you might have, ■■ describe what events managers do. ■■ list the skills and personal qualities they need and give examples. ■■ explain why you would (not) like to work as an events manager. Take a few minutes to prepare and try to talk for 3–4 minutes. Media task. Think of hallmark events in Austria. Research one of them and prepare an oral presentation. In your presentation, you should: ■■ give a short history of the event ■■ analyse its importance for the host community ■■ assess future developments like online settings Business training. Work in pairs. Imagine you are involved in the event management of a major event of your choice. Write a memo to your co-workers listing all important activities and possible problem areas. Write around 180 words. Proposing an event Talk together. What activities can you think of that would be suitable for team-building? Listen to Sunny making her proposal to her manager, Brian. Which of these options does she discuss? Which does she recommend? 1 a camping weekend 4 a treasure hunt 2 an acting workshop 5 learning ballroom dancing 3 mountain climbing 6 cooking a dinner together Listen again. Make a list of the pros and cons of each option. Listen to Brian’s decision later that day. Do you agree with him? Why (not)? Can you think of any alternatives to make the activity as pleasant as possible for everybody? Read Sunny’s recommendations. Which are in favour of an option? Which are against? 1 I’d rule it out since it might not involve everyone equally. 2 I’d advise against it because it’s not really what we’re looking for. 3 I’d strongly recommend it. 4 I’d reject the first on the grounds that it could be too cold. 5 If I were you, I’d go for the second as it offers value for money. Underline the expressions that introduce the four reasons for the recommendations. Speaking 16 17 Frequency Festival Salzburg Festival Writing 18 Listening 19 a b tc5jh8 11 c d f2wj22 12 a Language focus 20 Recommending and justifying b 38 Language skills Extras Explore 3 Success in today’s business world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv