English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Health issues are often also political issues. What does this mean? Look at some other global issues. Match them with the examples. 1 childhood literacy 3 smoking 5 rising sea levels 2 the destruction of rainforests 4 obesity 6 youth unemployment Together, choose one interesting and important issue from 24b. In groups, discuss the issue. Decide the main points to discuss, and what you think about them. Then discuss the main problems and possible solutions. Choose one person from each group to sit on a ‘panel’. ■■ Members of the panel: in turn, give your group’s opinion. ■■ The others: make comments or ask questions after each person has spoken. Speaking 24 a b cultural conservation educational social global economic environmental moral c d 25 Across cultures: Health campaigns You will hear Percy, a research scientist from Ghana, talking about using mosquito nets to prevent malaria. 1 What’s the problem with mosquito nets? 2 What do people in villages often do? Why? 3 What new idea does he talk about? How does it work? Why is it better? Listen again and complete the sentences using no more than four words. 1 Mosquito nets are rather in. 2 There are many programmes by World Health. 3 Mosquito nets are given to people living in . 4 These tents are not set up properly or . 5 The new technique is called . 6 It permanently covers . 7 There is better ventilation because the air . From what you have heard, do you think Percy is a native speaker of English, a bilingual speaker, or has learned English as a foreign language? Why? Listening 26 a 3q2jf2 8 b c Compare your answers in class. Find more strategies for interrupting, agreeing and disagreeing: 1 Make a list of more possible things the person might say for each. 2 In each case, which remark would achieve the speaker’s aim most successfully? Why? Work in groups of three. What do you think communities should do to stop infections? Have a discussion using strategies for interrupting, agreeing and disagreeing. b 23 27 Language skills Extras Explore 2 Global issues Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv