English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Writing Last summer you took part in a three-week exchange programme organised by the EU. You stayed with a host family and attended a language course. All the participants got a chance to win a free three-week stay next year by writing a report on their stay. You are so interested in winning a free stay you even do a survey among your fellow participants to find out their opinion of the programme. Using the results of the survey you write a report and enter it for the competition. TASK 1 In your report, you should: ■■ analyse the results of the survey ■■ give examples of the participants’ dissatisfaction ■■ make recommendations Write around 250 words. Divide your report into sections and give them headings. You work for an American company in Austria. The mayor of the town wants to facilitate the integration of young refugees living in the community. The head of your company has asked employees to come up with ideas about what the company could do. Write an email proposing a project and include the following information. ■■ describe the type of project ■■ explain in detail how it should be organised ■■ analyse how it would benefit the refugees and the company Write around 250 words. TASK 2 191 E Preparing for final exams Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv