English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

You are going to listen to two colleagues, John and Olivia, talking about their market research about millennials. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–7). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. TASK 3 5sd92g 64 0 What do John and Olivia agree on about millennials? A They will be in their prime spending years soon. B They are depicted very accurately in the media. C They will keep impacting particular industries. D They are a financially responsible generation. 1 What do John and Olivia both find interesting about the travel industry? A the amount of debt millennials accumulate while traveling B the services millennials value more than travel C how often millennials make travel plans D how important travel is to millennials 2 Successful travel companies cater to millennials by promoting A authentic experiences. B traditional attractions in a fresh way. C low-cost accommodation with basic amenities. D travel packages on a range of social media platforms. 3 What does John believe is the main reason the camping industry is changing? A Millennials are beginning to have their own families. B Millennials are posting about where they spend time in the wild. C Millennials are less interested in staying in high-end accommodation. D Millennials consider vehicles with sleeping accommodation a good investment.  4 What does Olivia say about camping and technology? A Millennials tend to rely on it far too heavily. B It takes away from millennials’ experience of being in nature. C It helps millennials feel more secure with their decision-making. D Millennials are more likely to post about campsites to receive discounts. 5 What prediction does John make about millennials and the fitness industry? A Well-being is currently in fashion, but it is a temporary fad. B The online subscriptions trend will soon level out. C It will experience the greatest growth of any sector. D More large gym chains will open across the US. 6 According to a 2014 report, why are most millennials investing in the fitness industry? A affordable facilities B sense of community C atmosphere of a location D superior workout classes 7 What do John and Olivia disagree about regarding the food industry? A Millennials will demand that takeaways stop using single-use plastics. B There will be healthier options at fast-food chains due to millennials. C Millennials will mainly support food providers with easy-to-use technology. D There will be a transition towards more traditional dining with millennials. 189 E Preparing for final exams Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv