English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

The following expressions might be useful: We are pleased to inform you that your order no … of … for … has been dispatched today. Your order no … of … for … is now ready for collection through your forwarding agent / carrier. The goods have been dispatched / forwarded by rail / ship / plane / air freight. by road / truck / lorry. collected by our carrier. handed over to our forwarders for transport by … The consignment is accompanied by the required documents. Enclosed please find our invoice. The goods are due to arrive in / at … before … The articles are expected to arrive /will reach you on … We hope / trust (that) the consignment will arrive safely / in good condition. Please inform us of the safe arrival of the goods. Delivery note Note: A delivery note is a document accompanying a shipment of goods that contains the description and quantity of the goods delivered. As a rule, pre-printed notes or templates are used. Listen to Mr Masarik calling the Austrian carrier to enquire about his delivery from Costa Rica. Fill in the missing information in the delivery note. 7 b4y3ub 60 DELIVERY NOTE Date: 24 April 20 Description: (2) Order no: (1) Quantity: (3) Customer no: SV029 Delivery address: Panenska 22, 81482 Bratislava Customer name: Mr Joszi Masarik Telephone number: 00421-29486225 Company: Beans Bratislava •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Goods received in good condition by Signature: Name: Date: 170 B Business communication Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv