English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Recruitment Read the advice for people who are preparing for a job interview abroad. What information would you give these people about customs in Austria? Reading 20 Preparing for a job interview abroad Access the official tourism site for the country or city where you are being interviewed. Most large cities and almost all countries have a national ministry or board of tourism that publishes information regarding local customs. Know what topics of conversation are considered appropriate in business situations or job interviews. Some cultures consider too much personal information to be rude, while in other cultures, it is offensive if you do not enquire about someone’s family before conducting business. Have business cards printed in English on one side and the language of the country of your interview on the reverse side. In many countries it is customary to exchange business cards in any professional meeting. Know local customs regarding non-verbal communication. Research whether a handshake is appropriate or if bowing is expected. Some cultures consider prolonged eye contact aggressive. Learn the customs regarding names. In many countries, using a first name is reserved for good friends or is used only after meeting many times. In pairs, prepare for a job interview for the position of HR Assistant. 1 Make a list of questions you’d ask an applicant. Use 16 and your own ideas. 2 Now imagine you’re the applicant. Say how you’d answer your own questions. Change pairs. Have job interviews. Take turns to be interviewer and candidate. Go back to your first partner. Discuss the people you interviewed and decide who you’d offer the job to. Who were offered jobs? Why? Would anyone really like to work in the Antarctic? In pairs, conduct another job interview. Together, look at this job advertisement. Then, Student A, look on p. 209, and Student B, look on p. 211. Speaking 17 a b 18 a b 19 We need a high-energy, motivated professional to take responsibility for external communication and growing our company’s reputation. Responsibilities. You will be the main point of contact for the media, writing press releases, presentations, customer success stories and case studies. You will be building the company’s presence online (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and driving programmes for winning awards, gaining positive product reviews in the media, and so on. Required experience. You should have 3–5 years of public relations and marketing experience, as well as a university/college degree, preferably in business or marketing. Required skills. Superior written and oral communications skills are a must. You are a creative thinker who can develop unique ideas and marketing programmes, someone who is passionate about growing our company every day. Language skills Extras Explore 12 Me and the world 159 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv