English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Read the advert again. Find the following key information: 1 job title 3 start date 5 required attributes 2 duration of job 4 duties 6 preferred attributes Replace the marked parts of the questions with A–H to make new questions. 1 What are your reasons for applying for this position ? A by the time you go home 2 What would you say are your greatest strenghts ? B you have the right people skills 3 Are you confident that you’ll complete the full two years ? C spending so much time indoors 4 What contributions will you make to good staff relations ? D wanting a change in your life 5 How will you handle living in a closed community ? E with the skills you gain 6 What do you hope to have achieved after six months in the job ? F the social life of the station 7 What do you intend to do after this job ? G ten years 8 What do you think you’ll be doing in five years’ time ? H your weaker points 15 Language focus Interview questions 16 Choosing the right candidate Look at the picture of a research station in the Antarctic. Can you guess: 1 how many people work there? 2 what jobs they do? 3 how they spend their free time? Read the job advertisement to check. Reading 14 a b Human Resources Assistant Are you looking for a big change in your life? One that combines true adventure with employment? How would you like to be one of the few people that have the chance to live and work in Antarctica, a unique and unspoiled environment? We are looking for a Human Resources Assistant to fill a two-year position beginning from March 1. This position will draw on all your skills and add a valuable, attention-getting job experience to your CV. Responsibilities Provides support to the Human Resources Manager. Handles all issues with total confidentiality. Helps to create and maintain employee files. Assists the Manager in matters related to salaries, employee evaluation and training. Up to 70 employees, many of them scientists, work in the research station. Requirements A degree is preferred, but professional experience can be accepted instead of a degree. Should be computer literate with a good knowledge of Excel and Word. Must be attentive to detail, able to work independently and have strong organisational and people skills. Must be in good health. Preference will be given to candidates who can contribute significantly to the social life of the station. Living and working in the Antarctic In summer, temperatures can be 10°C on sunny days. In winter, temperatures often drop below –20°C, sometimes down to –50°C. Mechanics, engineers, a chef and a doctor are in the station at all times. Popular free-time activities include skiing, snowboarding, dog sledding, bird and animal watching, photography and films. 158 Language skills Extras Explore 12 Me and the world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv