Which of the highlighted expressions in the postings have a similar meaning to A–F? A alone, not part of a group? D extremely embarrassed? B very pleased? E very interested? C very confused? F extremely shocked and upset? Now match more words with the meanings in 15a. 1 fascinated 3 humiliated 5 mystified 2 horrified 4 isolated 6 thrilled Think of an incident from your life when there was a cross-cultural misunderstanding, for example when you were: ■■ on holiday ■■ shopping abroad ■■ with family or friends ■■ in a relationship ■■ eating out ■■ … Think about how to: ■■ describe what happened. ■■ speculate about why it happened. ■■ describe your feelings. Listen to each other’s stories. Do you agree with each other’s speculations? Can you suggest any other explanations? Contribute a posting to the website cross-cultural misunderstandings. Write around 150 words. Cultural awareness Language focus Describing strong feelings 15 a b Speaking 16 a b Writing 17 What is ‘culture’? What factors play a significant part in creating culture? Would you agree that the above pictures illustrate different aspects of culture? If yes, which ones? What is ‘cultural awareness’ and why is it especially important for business people? Talk together and find at least three arguments. Listen to the interview with Dave Allen, managing director of Culture and Business Ltd, a company offering training in intercultural and diversity management. 1 How does Dave Allen explain cultural awareness? 2 Why is it so important for business people? 3 What do people learn in Dave Allen’s courses? 4 How will companies profit from diversity-in-the-workplace training? Listening 18 a 4f2g8w 3 b c Language skills Extras Explore 1 Immigration, diversity and inclusion 15 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv