English Unlimited HUM 4/5, Schulbuch

Find examples of these features in the campaign message. 1 imperatives 5 positive adjectives and collocations 2 the present progressive 6 slogans and catchy expressions 3 exaggeration 7 pledges and claims 4 compliments to the reader 8 alliteration Choose at least eight phrases from the campaign message above that you find useful for encouraging people to support charity work. Business training. Work in groups. Choose a charity which you think is worthwhile. 1 Plan the campaign message. Think about: ■■ what you want to get across ■■ ways to get people involved ■■ the target audience ■■ expressions, slogans and visuals 2 Together, write the campaign message. Include ideas for images and attractive presentation and use features from 22. 3 Plan how to present your campaign, and how to persuade others to contribute. Give your campaign message to another group and give them time to read it. Choose one person in your group to: ■■ present your campaign and answer any questions. ■■ try to persuade other groups to contribute to the campaign. Decide which other campaigns you will support, and how. Tell the class. Language focus Persuasive language 23 a b Speaking 24 a b c d Across cultures: Families Look at the diagram below. In pairs, discuss these questions: 1 What are the general trends of the graph in the different regions? 2 Why do you think fertility rates have generally fallen since the 1950s? 3 What do you think might explain the differences between the regions? Speaking 25 Language skills Extras Explore 9 The world we live in 121 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv