Immigration Do you know anyone who’s moved from one country to another? What were their reasons? How did it make them feel? Talk together. Now listen to Nadine and Akram talking about their experiences. Answer these questions for each person. 1 Where are they from, and where do they live now? 2 Why did they decide to emigrate? 3 What is their status in their country of choice? 4 How do they feel now? Look at the sentences. Seven of them are from the recording. Who said them? 1 I regret causing them so much anxiety. 2 I don’t regret my decision, … + noun or -ing form 3 I’m sorry I missed your talk yesterday. 4 I’m not sorry I did it. 5 We were so glad we were in Europe. 6 Actually, it’s a good thing they caught us. + past simple 7 I only wish I had done it before. 8 If only there had been a school or something. + past perfect Which highlighted expressions can you use for: 1 A positive feelings? B negative feelings? 2 A things that really happened? B imaginary situations? Think of three or four things you did recently, for example: ■■ buying something ■■ going to an event ■■ meeting someone ■■ giving advice ■■ saying something ■■ throwing something away Write a sentence saying how you feel now about each thing. Use expressions from 4a. Talk in pairs. Tell each other about the things you did recently and how you feel about them now. Ask questions to find out more. Example: A: I bought a new computer last month. I’m completely broke now but I don’t regret it at all! B: Oh, right. What kind of computer is it? In pairs or small groups, read the extract from an article about immigration and talk about it. 1 Do you think immigration and integration have become more important issues in Austria since the arrival of large numbers of refugees in 2015/16? Why? / Why not? 2 Which of the statements are relevant for Austria? Find examples and discuss. Listening 3 a b 9mh5m9 1 Language focus Reflecting on the past 4 a b Speaking 5 a b c Reading 6 a The last few decades have seen a rapid growth in immigration almost everywhere. The increasing movement of people from country to country ■■ makes citizens fret about workplaces, wages, housing and cultural identity. ■■ helps populist rabble-rousers to exploit voters’ fears. ■■ makes governments tighten immigration laws. ■■ inspires people traffickers to invent ever more irresponsible methods to smuggle people across borders. 10 Language skills Extras Explore 1 Immigration, diversity and inclusion Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv