English Unlimited HAK 4/5, Schulbuch

Ó 9rj7pt Corporate identity What is identity? What do you think makes up your own or your school’s identity? Do companies have identities? What do you associate with companies like Manner, Swarovski, McDonald’s, H&M? a Speaking 1 Analyse the logos, considering colour scheme, font and images. Do you think they represent the brand well? Look at these statements about corporate identity. Which ones are correct? Corporate identity is 1 created through the qualities of a company that make it different from other companies and the images that it uses to make itself familiar to its customers. 2 influenced by the values shared by owners, managers and employees. 3 always expressed by the company’s logo and letterhead. 4 sometimes also called corporate image or brand identity. 5 the sum total of the identities of the company employees. Have you ever heard of McKinsey? Talk together and brainstorm associations. Listen to a podcast about the company McKinsey and make notes on the different aspects of corporate identity mentioned in the interview. b c Listening 2 a b vt22zg 26 86 7 Unit Companies „„make your case in a disagreement „„talk about dealing with conflict „„negotiate a formal agreement „„write a formal email Goals „„talk about corporate identity and company culture „„write a blog post „„write a comment on a corporate blog „„identify management styles Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv